Our specialists have all the right answers for construction management
Who we are?
We started in 1999 with a small business and a big dream, which grew over the time. We changed the approach and the business orientation and we managed to excel in the consultancy we offered to the big investors who trusted us.
Currently, our team includes six specialist engineers in the field, ready to offer you the solutions you need.
What do we do?
Everything related to construction management and property management. We are here with you, step by step, taking the right decisions and implementing them, to ensure the best results, regardless of the project.
We offer consultancy from the very beginning, from the purchase of a land plot or the rental of a property and until its maintenance.
Find out more about our services here

Virgil Bălas
Construction engineer

Stelian Jurj
Construction engineer

Corina Pinticanu
Construction management

Cornel Girigan
Construction engineer

Sașa Ung
Construction engineer

Vlad Niță
Construction engineer